LAHORE: Pakistan will mark the 6th annual World Prematurity Day 2016 on Thursday to reaffirm its commitment towards reducing the number of preterm births in the country.

As per estimate, 860000 premature births are recorded every year in Pakistan and out of them almost 102000 children die due to related complications. Globally, 15 million babies are born before time each year and over 1 million children die before their fifth birthday. Pakistan is ranked second among the top 10 countries that account for nearly two-thirds of all deaths from preterm birth complications.

Without a major push to reduce these deaths, it’s possible to reach the sustainable global goal, endorsed by 193 countries to end all preventable newborn and child deaths by 2030.

The day will highlight serious innovations for transforming the prevention, diagnosis and management of preterm birth. While it provides an opportunity to call attention to the heavy burden of death and disability when a child is born too soon, dialogue is required to find a solution.

The UNICEF emphasizes that preterm births and child deaths can be achieved by strengthening health policies and services as well as improving access and care for mothers and newborns.