KARACHI: Pakistan Business Council’s Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business organised a session on “Why Behaving Ethically is So Hard”, here on Thursday.

This talk is the first of many such events that the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business is conducting.

Dr Tony Tan, Head of the Global Society Advocacy Engagement and Standards & Advocacy Division for the CFA Institute for the Asia Pacific Region, in his presentation, discussed why behaving ethically is so difficult. Using combination of theories involving philosophy, psychology and behavioral economics, Dr Tony illustrated a common misunderstanding of the homo-sapiens and how people rationalize bad behavior.

He also explained conditions that increase dishonesty and possible solutions that can decrease it.

The Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business is the first of the Pakistan Business Council’s outreach initiatives to build capacity and capability of businesses in Pakistan. CERB’s vision is to assist Pakistani businesses to pursue long term sustainability and value creation and its mission is to contribute towards inclusive social development.