KARACHI: The Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance (IBA-CEIF) in collaboration with Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan Limited (DIBPL) has announced launching of a 6-month certificate course for in-depth study of AAOIFI Shariah Standards.

The course has been designed for industry professionals/academicians under the supervision of renowned industry experts and Shariah scholars.

This course will provide practitioners with an excellent opportunity to enhance their skills for the development of the industry as a whole. The starting date for the course is 21st October 2017.

Shariah advisors representing AAOIFI’s Shariah Standards including Dr Imran Ashraf Usmani, Mufti Hassan Kaleem, Mufti Najeeb Khan, Mufti Irshad Ahmed Aijaz, Mufti Khalil Aazmi, Mufti Abdullah Najeeb Siddiqui and other renowned Shariah experts will be among speakers.

Under the eligibility criterion, this is an advanced level course which requires basic knowledge of Islamic banking and finance. Participants should have at least two years of experience in Islamic finance industry or a Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Islamic Banking & Finance from a recognized institution.

The applicant may be at least completed Master’s degree in business/economics (preferred) or individuals graduated with qualification in Islamic jurisprudence with one-year experience with any Islamic Financial Institution.