PESHAWAR: The provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has expressed concerned over the non-connectivity of generated cheap electricity from three hydropower projects having total capacity of 56 megawatt to nation grid and termed it as unjustified behavior of federal government to province. It has been decided to discuss this issue at high level for the solution.

Satisfaction has been shown over the power production performance at the biggest power station of KP Malakand III hydropower complex, 81 MW and hoping that other power connectivity will be made available to national grid from other power stations. In this context, Secretary Energy & Power Engr. Naeem Khan visited to Mkd-III HPC and examined various parts of power station including power channel, spillway and power production unit thoroughly. He further arranged a meeting with stakeholders of powerhouse i.e. O&M contractor, Resident engineer and workers in order to find out their problems. He directed the contractor to solve the issues facing by the workers of power house.

Meanwhile, the secretary power hold a meeting with all project directors in order to examine the work progress at ongoing power projects in KP. He stated that 36.6 MW Daral Khwar HPP, 17 MW Ranolia HPP and 2.4 MW Machai HPP having total capacity of 56 MW have already been completed and stated power generation but due to non-connectivity to national grid and non-implementation of power purchase agreements with PESCO, problems are being faced in this connection. Soon the same issue will be discussed at high level for the solution. He further disclosed that electricity deprived areas of the province are being supplied of 35 MW electricity from 356 mini micro power stations which are in final touch of completion at present, as maximum stations have already been completed and will be handed over to communities as soon.

During the meeting secretary power has strictly directed to project directors, contractors, consultants and other stakeholders working at various power projects to comply the recovery plan seriously and complete their projects in specified time period. He further cautioned that penalty will be imposed to the contractors/consultants in case of unnecessary delay at project completion. He further informed that work progress of power projects will be shared in upcoming PEDO’s Board meeting.