Don’t drag army into politics

“You know the environment prevalent in Pakistan right now: this is an election year. The year 2018 is a year of change. Political parties are fighting for power, and this fight has to be at each others’ expense. You should not drag security forces into this,” army spokesman Maj-Gen Asif Ghafoor has been quoted as saying at a recent press conference. In other words, the army spokesman is urging our seemingly irresponsible politicians that they must not drag army into politics.

They must refrain from making absolutely unwarranted criticism of the military, including references to it as the khalai makhlooq (celestial beings) that subvert the democratic process and accusations that it backs or supports militants. They must not lose sight of the fact that the army would continue to exercise restraint till the criticism is limited to the institution, but would take action if people started targeting the state. They must also not lose sight of the fact that our jawans and officers have rendered immense sacrifices in the fight against terrorism and extremism in the country. When will we start to learn? Democracy without accountability, good governance and a strong sense of responsibility and justice has no meaning.

Karachi Naqi Zafar