KARACHI: The Dawood Foundation (TDF) has opened its doors today, to a first-of-its-kind TDF MagnifiScience Children’s Studio in Karachi. TDF Studio is a space where children can explore science, mathematics, technology, and engineering, illusions with fun and hands-on activities and exhibits.

Meet the skeleton, catch the stars, sit on a chair of nails, and explore more than 60 hands-on exhibits created for children and schools. TDF Studio will also host programmes, discussions and events to promote creativity and innovation. The venue also has a café and a shop for visitors.

Speaking at the launch event, The Dawood Foundation CEO Sabrina Dawood said, “It has become important for us as a nation to rekindle the love of science in our children and promote critical thinking amongst them. TDF Studio is built on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) concepts that will foster imagination and creativity in young visitors in a fun-filled environment.”

The launch event was attended by children from public schools and school for differently abled. Numerous families also visited to experience science.—PR