KARACHI: Following the election of a new board of directors of the Pakistan Business Council (PBC) on 25th January 2019, the Board elected Syed Yawar Ali (Nestle Pakistan) as Chairman and Saquib Shirazi (Shirazi Investments) as Vice Chairman.

The new Board of Directors is composed of:

Syed Yawar Ali (Nestle Pakistan), Saquib Shirazi (Shirazi Investments), Muhammad Ali Tabba (Lucky Cement), Ali Habib (Indus Motors), Bashir Ali Mohammad (Gul Ahmed), Arif Habib (Pak Arab Fertilisers), Zelaf Munir (English Biscuits), Abrar Hasan (National Foods), Shabir Diwan (Gatron (industries)), Muhammad Aurangzeb (Habib Bank), Taimur Dawood (Descon), Samad Dawood (Engro Corp), Yousuf Hussain (Faysal Bank), Riyaz Chinoy (International Industries), Ehsan Malik (CEO, Pakistan Business Council).

The Board thanked the outgoing Chairman (Muhammad Ali Tabba), Vice Chairman (Towfiq Chinoy) and directors (Iqbal Lakhani, Shazia Syed, Noman Ansari) and welcomed the new Chairman, Vice Chairman and directors (Samad Dawood, Yousaf Hussain and Riyaz Chinoy).