Obsession with letter ‘D’

“I can’t understand this obsession with the letter D by our prime ministers.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember Gilani’s three Ds when he was prime minister – dialogue, development, deterrence…”

“And rightly so…remember the Supreme Court was not willing to have a dialogue with him on the matter of Zardari sahib and a Swiss account if I recall correctly…”

“The account is redundant so there is the deterrence…”

“And let’s not forget Gilani sahib’s ability to reinvent himself equals Madonna’s who has made herself relevant over a couple of generations…”

“But unlike Madonna, Gilani sahib has been on a downward trajectory – from Prime Minister to Senator to Leader of the Opposition in the Senate…”

“As long as there is a D in it Gilani sahib will be happy but who else was into Ds.”

“Nawaz Sharif’s three Ds…sorry four Ds…”

“I don’t recall any D associated with him!”

“And for that comment you need to be taken to task by the political pundits – Dar, Dar, Dar and then again Dar…”

“No adjective before Dar?”

“Demolition Dar, and the demolition was of the economy, Desperate Dar and that we all saw when he slinked out of the country on the then prime Minister’s plane…”

“I get it and The Khan’s Ds?”

“Decade of dams he said…”

“Are you sure you did not spell it wrong, didn’t he mean decade of damns – you know the damned list is rather comprehensive – start with Shehbaz Sharif, then brother Nawaz…“

“How come Shehbaz is listed first?”

“He is still here, Nawaz Sharif is not.”

“OK I get it so that’s one D…”

“Damn the Tareen Group, damn the…”
