Ulema to urge people to get vaccinated: president


ISLAMABAD: Presid-ent Dr Arif Alvi said that on the coming Jumatul Mubarik (June 4), Ulema in their sermons will specially urge the people to get vaccinated to protect from Covid-19 pandemic.

He said that Ulema would continue to make such announcements in their sermons.

The president expressed these views, while addressing an important consultative meeting of esteemed Ulema and Mashaikh from across the country, at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, on Wednesday.

He said that the Ulema and Mashaikh also have an important role in creating awareness about inheritance laws as per religion as well as the importance of breast-feeding which could help check the issue of stunting growth.

President Alvi thanked the Ulema and Mashaikh for their continued cooperation in the matters of national and religious importance.

He said that in order to encourage the people for vaccination, Ulema and Mashaikh would effectively raise their voice from mosques, imambargahs, khanqahs, and madaris.

The president asked the Ulema and Mashaikh to encourage the masses for using the coronavirus vaccination.

He said that vaccination of masses in highest numbers would help check the coronavirus effectively.

The president said that the vaccination of people will also help the country to move forward with socio-economic activities especially the work of laborers in industries and factories in a better way.

He said that after the blessings of Allah Almighty, it was the cooperation of Ulema, media, policies of the government, and the guidelines of the National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) due to which the situation of coronavirus in Pakistan was much better when compared with other countries of the world.

The country’s Ulema and Mashaikh expressing their satisfaction over the composition of corona vaccine registered in Pakistan, endorsed the view of health experts, who were stressing for vaccination.

According to a joint statement issued after an important consultative meeting of Ulema and Mashaikh from across the country COVID-19 pandemic, “Protection of lives and health of masses is one of the objectives of religion and Shariah. Since corona is an epidemic, making arrangements to control and treat it is not only a demand of Shariah but an order.”

Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Pir Noorul Haq Qadri, and Chairman of the Islamic Ideology Council (IIC) Dr Qibla Ayaz were present in the meeting, which was also attended through video-link by governors of Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan as well as Ulema from the four provinces, Azad Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan.