Change is in the air

“Nawaz Sharif is a trail blazer…”

“Told you so, the rupee wasn’t as low as today and inflation wasn’t as high as it is today and…”

“Well, the rupee is high today because the State Bank is being run by Pakistani version of Marie Antoinette…”

“Ha ha…”

“Don’t be facetious, all I meant was that the State Bank Governor is as divorced from the general public’s needs and limits as was Marie Antoinette and yes I am referring to his remarks that a deteriorating rupee means more rupees for each dollar the remitters send back.”

“But you know his statement is flawed from an economic perspective as well because each rupee devalued leads to higher domestic inflation and hence the amount of dollars remitted to enable their families to maintain their quality of life maybe the same if not more…”

“Oh well, there may have been disorderly conditions…”

“Indeed, disorderly market conditions are what SBP states as the reason for the rupee depreciation.”

“No I meant his tenure is expiring on 5 May next year and there are some disorderly conditions…”

“Don’t be facetious - anyway Nawaz Sharif is not a trail blazer because the economic policies his Accountant implemented contribute to at least 50 percent of what we are suffering today – not 100 percent but 50 percent all ye Khanzadehs…”

“Right, so how is Nawaz Sharif a trail blazer.”

“Remember his constant refrain why did you kick me out – mujhe kyon nikala - well there are many proscribed and non-proscribed groups that are now demanding…”

“The credit goes not to Nawaz Sharif but to The Khan – I mean negotiations with those with Pakistani blood, official or of the common people, on their hands……”

“But if they really and truly stop!”

“History doesn’t show…”

“Hey change is in the air my friend – let’s wait and see.”

“Change as in a U-turn or change as in real change?”

“Your U-turn maybe my straight and narrow.”
