LAHORE: The Bank of Punjab will be integrating a local FinTech HysabKytab’s solution for Personal Finance Management (PFM) into its digital banking services. This collaboration will be enabled through NdcTech, an award-winning regional partner of Temenos. The Temenos leading digital banking platform has been acquired by The Bank of Punjab for all its channels across Pakistan.

As part of this collaboration, HysabKytab will license their Personal Financial Management (PFM) solution while NdcTech will integrate the solution to provide a next-generation user experience, for mobile & internet users. Once integrated, this App will enable the users to have a 360-degree view of their financial activities, track and record their spending, create budget plans, track saving goals, receive personalized insights, and much more.

Commenting on partnership Yasir Ilyas – Head of HysabKytab said that “HysabKytab’s Personal Financial Management (PFM) tool will allow BOP’s customers to view their financial information on one big picture.”—PR