ISLAMABAD: The prosperity of South Asia is subject to inclusion of women in mainstream business. This was stated by Shaista Pervaiz Malik, Member National Assembly during a Women’s Business Conference organized by SAARC Chamber Women Entrepreneur Council in Islamabad.

She added that “With the provision of enabling a holistic environment in which women can translate their ideas into successful business ventures, South Asia can unlock the hidden potential of its human development.

The inaugural session was also addressed by Afsana Rahimi, Chairperson SCWEC (Afghanistan Chapter), Birgit Lamm, Head of Country Office Pakistan, FNF, Mirza Abdul Rehman, Coordinator, FPCCI Capital Office, Zubair Ahmed Malik, Executive Committee Member, SAARC CCI, Riffat Malik, Vice President, FPCCI and Hina Mansab Khan, Vice Chairperson, SCWEC (Pakistan Chapter).

The conference was also addressed by the eminent personalities from South Asian member countries including India, Afghanistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The conference was organized with theme “Building Future: Women Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Shaping the New Normal.”

While delivering welcome address, Afsana Rahimi, Chairperson SCWEC (Afghanistan Chapter) emphasized on the current situation of women entrepreneurs of Afghanistan, their participation in business, public presence and the challenges they are facing after the pandemic.

Mirza Abdul Rehman, Coordinator, FPCCI Capital Office on behalf of President FPCCI in his address appreciated the efforts of SCWEC and the role of women entrepreneurs. He was of the opinion that prosperity in any sector without the involvement of women is impossible, whereas Birgit Lamm, Head of Country Office Pakistan, FNF spoke about necessity driven entrepreneurship in South Asia.

Speaking on the occasion, Zubair Ahmed Malik, Executive Committee Member, SAARC CCI and former FPCCI president acknowledged the role of SCWEC and how it has engaged the women of South Asia to promote e-commerce, women startups, digital media marketing tools and gender smart innovations.

The conference comprised of three sessions which was chaired by the renowned mentors, Sahibzadi Mahin Khan, Urooj Mansab Khan and Zubia Zubair. The speakers included Fareeha Ummar, Portfolio Manager, UN Women, Dr Rakhshanda Perveen, Founder and CEO, Kafe Kaam, Habiba Siddiqui, Director, Afghanistan Green Future Organization, Afghanistan, Archana Bhatnagar, President Madhya Pradesh Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Jabalpur, India, Dr Farzana, Group Chairperson, City Schools Pakistan, Sarojani Sherchan, Vice Chairperson, SCWEC, Ambreen Zaman, Senior Manager Thematic Strategies, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation, Riffat Malik, Vice President FPCCI, Shaiyanne Malik, CEO, SamanZar and Hira Zainab, Secretary General, PASHA.

It’s being more the two years the women business gathering was not possible due to Pandemic. In the concluding remarks, Hina Mansab Khan, Vice Chairperson SCWEC, thanked SCCI, FNF, FPCCI, public sector organizations and the speakers for their valuable input and suggestions.

Iftikhar Ali Malik, President, SCCI and Senator Haji Ghulam Ali, Vice President SCCI (Pakistan), in a message to the women leadership extended their full support in strengthening the culture of Women Entrepreneurship in South Asia.—PR