Thus Spoke Zarathustra

“Thus Spoke The Khan!”

“Is that even English?”

“Nietzche’s book Thus Spoke Zarathustra…”

“Never heard of him!”

“He was a German philosopher.”

“Hey The Khan, or the Sharifs or the Bhutto Zardaris, or the Maulana never refer to non-Muslim philosophers…”

“As a great Pakistani politician said on the floor of House that the Js - journalists, judges and generals…”

“Don’t be facetious.”

“OK, anyway just for your information Zarathustra is actually Zoroaster, a Persian revered figure, yes he was not a Muslim but hey Zoroaster lived in 1500 or so BC…wait let me share some of the quotes from the book: The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly; you must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; Silence is worse - all truths that are kept silent become poisonous.”

“Let me respond to your quotes, first The Khan is soaring high and I say a technical knockout is not going to bring him down.”

“I thought technical knockout is in wrestling not cricket.”

“The Kiwis lost the Cricket World Cup to England a few years ago with scores tied but an obscure rule was applied which was that as England had a superior boundary count therefore it was the victor.”

“Hmmm, so he may have lost this match but not the Cup yet.”

“The Kiwis lost the match and the Cup besides this example is not the equivalent of losing a battle but winning the war!”   

“Whatever! The flame that is The Khan will forever burn I say.”

“The flame of great men and women does dim with time you know but I agree with the last quote, that silence is worse as all truths that are kept silent become poisonous.”

“Does that apply only to truths — I mean in our politics silence is a no-no that applies to untruths, half-truths, quarter truths, one third truths…”

“Oh dear!”