ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet Tuesday approved the inclusion of the names of 10 people on the Exit Control List (ECL) including Dr Shahzad Akbar.

The Federal Cabinet meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

On the recommendation of the Ministry of Interior, the federal cabinet approved the inclusion of the names of 10 people on the ECL including the names of Shahzad Akbar and Barrister Ziaul Mustafa Nasim reportedly, the removal of the names of 22 people from the ECL, and the One Time Permit (OTP) for three people.

The prime minister and the Cabinet members congratulated Federal Minister of Industry and Commerce Makhdoom Murtaza Mehmood, Cabinet Secretary Ahmed Nawaz Sukhera, Secretary Industry and Commerce Chaudhry Imdadullah Bosal on receiving civil awards and appreciated their services.

The cabinet was given a detailed briefing on the effects of climate change in the country by the Ministry of Climate Change.

The cabinet was informed that Pakistan has been among the top eight most-affected countries with little change over the last 10 years regarding the impact of climate change, which is a cause for serious concern. While our share in global warming gas emissions is only one per cent of the world. Climate change is affecting Pakistan’s resources badly and the continuous increase in population is also a major reason for this. It was also informed that there is a need to implement plan of mitigation and adaptation with regard to climate change.

It was suggested in the cabinet that awareness of these problems faced by Pakistan, protection from the effects of climate change and measures taken under COP-27 should be made and presented at international forums. Moreover, the need to adopt modern and scientific measures adopted at the international level to deal with this crisis was emphasized.

The Cabinet agreed to ensure that the period of Public Service Messaging on TV channels is effectively utilized to address these issues.

The ministry also emphasized on the inclusion of climate change education in school and college curricula ensuring the implementation of policies designed to protect against the effects of climate change.

The Cabinet emphasized the need for rain harvesting planning on war footing. In this regard, the proposal to launch this project as a pilot project in Islamabad was also considered.

The cabinet unanimously approved the formation of a cabinet committee under the chairmanship of Federal Minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman, which will also include ministers from the relevant ministries, which will give its recommendations on short, medium and long term projects to prevent the effects of climate change.

Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said that climate change, water security and food security are three interrelated challenges and we need urgent measures to combat them and protect our future generations from their effects. The government is well aware of the expected problemsarising from climate change and solving this problem is among the top priorities of the government.

On the recommendation of the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Cabinet has approved setting the minimum limit of Diyat for the financial year 2022-23 equal to 30 thousand 6 hundred 30 (30,630) grams of silver, the value of which is above 43 lakh rupees.

The Federal Cabinet has unanimously rejected the summary of increase in MRP of 35 medicines by the Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination and has issued instructions that no increase in the prices of medicines would take place without the approval of the Federal Cabinet.

The Federal Cabinet approved decisions taken in the meeting of ECC on 11-08-2022 including issuance of GOP Guarantee in Favor of National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) for Financing Facility of US $ 142.0 Million (Aviation).

The Federal Cabinet also approved the decisions taken in the meeting of CCLC including authorization of Government Married Accommodation to Defense Security Force (DSF) Personnel: Amendment in Army Regulations (Rules)-1998 , amendment in Annex ‘A’ to Rule 11 of Scales of Rations and Supplies (Regulations), 2015 , amendments in National Skills University Act, 2018 , appointment of Law Officers in Office of the Advocate General, ICT, Islamabad by Amending the President’s Order 1 of 2015 and Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council (PVMC) Employees Service Regulations, 2022.