KARACHI: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) on Tuesday cast its concerns over rising street crimes in the city, warning that the target killing is resurfacing.

Munem Zafar, the JI Karachi Chief, showed concerns over target killing of an industrialist besides a young man died in an armed robbery in the metropolis.

Abdul Basit, a 20-year-old vendor, lost life to the robbers, and Asif Salman was killed in a target killing attempt, he said adding that some 80 innocent people have fallen prey to street criminals this year.

Amid growing insecurity from street crimes, he said that the citizens are now again facing the fresh spree of target killings. “The Sindh government, police and other law enforcers have failed to stem the disorder,” Munem added.

He demanded of the government for taking a decisive action against the outlaws, saying that what has stopped it from a crackdown to cleanse the city from crimes and protect the public lives, property and dignity.